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Pells Pool objection to the Phoenix development


Updated: May 12, 2023

Dear Swimmers,

Having carefully considered the outline planning proposals for the North Street Quarter, ( reference number SDNP/23/00526/OUT) the Pells Pool Community Association (PPCA) believes that the Pells Pool will be adversely affected by the current proposals and is therefore objecting to the proposal.

Although there is much about Human Nature’s proposal that we support (the ambition to create a more sustainable development, some affordable housing, and a health hub) – we have objected, because as Trustees of the PPCA, who oversee the swimming pool, which has been on this site and continuously used for over 150 years and serves the health and wellbeing of the town, it is our duty to maintain this important and historic public amenity for the people of Lewes and Lewes District.

We object to the following aspects of the outline plans for the following reasons:

· Parts of units 1D, 3A, 3B and 4A overlook our toddler pool, changing rooms, sunbathing terraces and lawns. We want to ensure that we can safeguard the privacy of our pool users and protect children using the facilities.

view of changing room from 6 meters height
View of changing room 6 meter height from building

View from 6 meters height of toddlers pool and lawn
view of toddlers pool and lawn from 6 meters height

· The buildings are four storeys in height and sections of these buildings are built right up to the perimeter of the pool. They are imposing and overbearing and will change the ambience, tranquility, sense of space and peace of this important public amenity.

Impression of building's proximity to Pells Pool
Impression of building's proximity to Pells Pool

· We are concerned that there will be noise from the residential dwellings and that light will be compromised over our sunbathing terraces.

Proximity of buildings to Pells Pool
Proximity of buildings to Pells Pool

· We recognise that Human Nature wishes to reduce car use in the development, but are nonetheless concerned that the lack of parking spaces and limited public transport across the District will prevent people from accessing the pool.

· We are concerned that the proximity of residential properties could limit our ability to hold evening events such as midnight swims etc which help the pool generate income and be sustainable.

We have therefore objected and asked that proposals for the footprint and elevations for Units 1D, 3A, 3B and 4A are rejected and that the SDNP asks for these to be resubmitted, with the Units set back from the Pells Pool grounds boundary, reduced in height and screened by mature tree planting between the proposed buildings and the pool perimeter.

Shown are some sketch up images produced by a local resident showing the scale and proximity of the proposed development to the pool, as well as drone images taken to show how the pool facilities would be overlooked should the development go ahead.

If pool users wish to see a full copy of our objection, there will be a copy of the letter and images at the Pells Kiosk or the objection can be viewed on the SDNP planning portal where any members of the public can make comments of support or objection up until the 26th May 2023.

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It's not hard to get to Pells Pool without using a car. You can walk, or ride a bicycle. There are even schemes in the town which allow you to rent e-cargo bikes which you can put children in. I think the last thing this town needs is more parking, and removing car parking is a step in the right direction. Plus, if you drive home you don't get that post-swim walk home afterglow.


May 12, 2023

Where would one object please send link as it’s far too intrusive and I use the pool

May 12, 2023
Replying to

Hi, the link can be found here (comments can be made until 26 May, despite the article saying 21 April):


May 12, 2023

Where would one object please send link as it’s far too intrusive and I use the pool

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